naledi /
# Naledi ya Africa

Naledi ya Africa (*Star of Africa* in seTswana) is a survival game set in
Africa. It offers networked multiplayer with an ncurses user interface.

## Running

To compile Naledi ya Africa, you need a Common Lisp implementation (SBCL is
recommended), [Quicklisp]( and the ncurses C library.
Note that these requirements limit the game to Linux.

Download the latest source code from []().
Then open up a REPL and run `(load "naledi.lisp")`.

Once Naledi ya Africa is ready for release, a pre-compiled binary will be

## Playing

Refer to the game manual (MANUAL file in the source code, or type `h` in-game).  

*Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.*  
© 2018 Daniel Vedder