NALEDI YA AFRICA - TODO ======================= DOCUMENTATION * write game instructions and keyboard shortcuts reference * add `architecture' document GAME * fix news popup window * implement look/walk/attack modes * expand player implementation * "sound system" (noises in landscape) * save & load games * error handling! * create help window * implement "command" window for extended user commands * remove char & colour attribute from map transfer * generate secondary seeds to smoothen landscape (make world prettier) * split `naledi-ya-africa` package into `naledi-server` and `naledi-client`? * provide error handling code (pretty much everywhere) * cleanup util.lisp, dump what I don't need * (I am legion...) BUGS -> SEVERE * `terminate` hangs when a player is still logged in * cannot start two local games one after the other -> "ERROR: player exists" * crashed games leave sockets blocked to future use * world thread type error: "The value -1 is not of type unsigned-byte when binding sb-impl::n" -> if several players log on? / if one player quits? * cannot launch from outside game directory (logo file missing) -> NON-SEVERE * response to prolonged keypresses is sluggish * Lakes are created -> still an issue? -> haven't seen it in a long time (as of 31/12/2018) -> seemed to be a secondary bug from some other problem that is now fixed -> negative: appeared again 20/06/19 -> was a string/symbol name issue -> should be fixed now -> HEISENBUGS * occasionally, scrolling the map will lag, causing an "inertia" effect (reloading resolves this, but what's the cause?) -> hasn't occurred in a long time (as of 11/12/2018)