atlantis / lisp / game-objects.lisp
;;; Atlantis is a framework for creating multi-user dungeon worlds.
;;; This is the Common Lisp implementation.
;;; This file contains all the various kinds of in-game objects like
;;; places, monsters, NPCs, items...
;;; Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
;;; author: Daniel Vedder
;;; date: 15/05/2015

(defstruct place
	(name "")
	(description "")
	;; Missing 's' in the following list names due to parsing issues
	(neighbour NIL)
	(player NIL)
	(item NIL)
	(monster NIL)
	(npc NIL))


(defstruct npc
	(name "")
	(description "")
	(says "")
	(sells NIL)
	(quest ""))

(defstruct monster
	(name "")
	(description "")
	(health 0)
	(strength 0)
	(dexterity 0)
	(aggression 0)
	(spawn-probability 0)
	(weapon "")
	(armour-class 0))

(defstruct item
	(name "")
	(description "")
	(cost 0)
	(weapon "no")
	(function NIL))

(defstruct weapon
	(name "")
	(description "")
	(type "")
	(damage 0))

(defstruct quest
	(name "")
	(say-before "")
	(say-after "")
	(proof-item NIL)
	(reward-item NIL)
	(money 0)
	(experience 0))

(defun set-object-attribute (game-object property value)
	"Set the attribute 'property' of 'game-object' to 'value'"
	;; Here follows Lisp magic :D      (that took ages to get right...)
	;; XXX It's not elegant to call (eval) explicitly, but in this case I can't
	;; find a way to avoid it - I needed a mix between a macro and a function
	(let ((command (build-symbol (type-of game-object) "-" property)))
		(eval `(if (or (null (,command ,game-object))
					   (listp (,command ,game-object)))
				   (setf (,command ,game-object)
					   (append (,command ,game-object) '(,value)))
				   (setf (,command ,game-object) ,value)))))

(defun remove-object-attribute (game-object property value)
	"Remove 'value' from the attribute 'property' in 'game-object'"
	;; Same comment applies as above
	(let ((command (build-symbol (type-of game-object) "-" property)))
		(eval `(if (listp (,command ,game-object))
				   (setf (,command ,game-object)
					   (remove-first-if #'(lambda (x) (equalp x ,value))
						   (,command ,game-object)))
				   ;; TODO set numbers to 0, strings to ""
				   (setf (,command ,game-object) NIL)))))

(defun objectify-name-list (object-type name-list)
	"Turn all the string names in name-list into instances of the object type"
	;; Basically the inverse of a make-list-function function (cf. util.lisp)
	(let ((objects NIL))
		(dolist (n name-list objects)
			(setf objects (cons (get-game-object object-type n) objects)))))

(defun objectify-place-monsters (place)
	"Objectify all the monsters in this place"
	;; XXX This introduces a side effect!
	(let* ((p (if (place-p place) place (get-game-object 'place place)))
			  (monster-list (objectify-name-list 'monster (place-monster p))))
		(if (monster-p (first (place-monster p)))
			(return-from objectify-place-monsters place)
			(setf (place-monster p) monster-list))))
(let ((list-function (make-list-function 'place NIL)))
	(defun list-place-objects (object-type place)
		"Get a list of the names of all the place's objects of this type."
		(funcall list-function object-type place)))

(defun get-object-description (object-name place)
	"Get a description of this object in place (or nil if not there)"
	(let ((p (if (place-p place) place (get-game-object 'place place))))
		(cond ((member object-name (list-place-objects 'item p) :test #'equalp)
				  (item-description (get-game-object 'item object-name)))
			((member object-name (list-place-objects 'monster p) :test #'equalp)
				(monster-description (get-game-object 'monster object-name)))
			((member object-name (list-place-objects 'npc p) :test #'equalp)
				(npc-description (get-game-object 'npc object-name)))
			(t NIL))))