atlantis / ATL / Pooh / pooh.atl
; The 100 Acre Wood was invented by A.A. Milne for his Winnie-the-Pooh stories.
; This Atlantis world is based on the novels.
; This is the main world file.
; author: Daniel Vedder
; date: 07/06/2017

load-file "pooh-extensions.lisp"
load-file "items.atl"
load-file "characters.atl"
load-file "woods.atl"
define-player "Winnie the Pooh"
	description "A small but lovable bear of Very Little Brain."
	place "Pooh's home"
	max-health 20
	health 20
	strength 1
	dexterity 4
	constitution 4

;TODO development - remove before release
define-player "Christopher Robin"
	description "Christopher Robin is my game dev character."
	place "Owl's porch"
	item "Letter" ;FIXME gives problems