atlantis / ATL / Lugwey / items.atl
; The Monastery of Lugwey is the first "real" world I am creating with ATL.
; Its purpose (apart from being playable) is to help with the development of
; Atlantis by showing potential deficits, bringing up new ideas, etc.
; This file holds all the item descriptions.
; @author Daniel Vedder
; @date 09/07/2015

define-item "Parchment"
	description "Dried animal skins used as paper."
	cost 5

define-item "Quill"
	description "A goose-feather, sharpened at one end to make a pen."
	cost 5

define-item "Dagger"
	description "A long, sharp knife, useful for self defence."
	weapon "Yes"
	cost 20

define-weapon "Dagger"
	description "A long, sharp knife, useful for self defence."
	type "Knife"
	damage 3