# Server setup This is a collection of config files and scripts designed to get a vanilla Ubuntu server up to working speed as quickly as possible. ## Contents This will set up: * fish shell * tmux, w3m * emacs-nox with ESS * Julia 1.5.3 * R * .gitconfig * .ssh/config ## Procedure 1. Create a new user with root privileges: ``` sudo adduser <user> sudo adduser <user> sudo ``` 2. Log out, then log in again as the new user. Clone this repository and run the setup script (you will be prompted for your password): ``` git clone http://git.synoikos.de/git/daniel/server-setup.git` cd server-setup ./setup.sh ``` 3. Launch emacs and run `M-x package-install` to install `julia-mode`. ## Installing Julia locally If you just want to install Julia, and do not have root privileges, run `./install_julia.sh`. **Daniel Vedder** *10/7/2018*