moobreeder /
 * Moobreeder is a simple cow breeding game to illustrate the principles of
 * selective breeding to KS3 pupils.
 * (c) Daniel Vedder 2018, Amano Christian School
 * Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

 * This is a singleton class that holds the current herd.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class Herd implements Serializable
	public static int initialSize = 4;
	private static Herd singleton;
	private static Random random; 
	private ArrayList<Cow> herd;
	private Cow[] parents;
	private Cow[] offspring;

	private Herd()
		herd = new ArrayList<Cow>();
		parents = new Cow[] {null, null};
		offspring = new Cow[] {null, null};
		for (int i = 0; i < initialSize; i++) {
			String sex = "female";
			if ((i % 2) == 0) sex = "male";
			herd.add(new Cow(sex));
		setParent(1); //XXX A layout hack

	public static Herd getInstance()
		if (singleton == null) singleton = new Herd();
		return singleton;

	public static int randomInt(int max)
		if (random == null) random = new Random();
		if (max <= 0) max = 1;
		return random.nextInt(max);

	public int size()
		return herd.size();

	public Cow getNthCow(int n)
		return herd.get(n);

	public Cow getCow(int id)
		for (int c = 0; c < herd.size(); c++) {
			if (herd.get(c).getID() == id)
				return herd.get(c);
		return null;

	public void removeCow(int id)
		Cow c = getCow(id);
		if (c != null) {
			if (isParent(id)) removeParent(id);

	public Cow[] getParents()
		return parents;

	public boolean isParent(int id)
		if ((parents[0] != null && parents[0].getID() == id) ||
			(parents[1] != null && parents[1].getID() == id))
			return true;
		else return false;

	public void setParent(int id)
		Cow p = getCow(id);
		if (p == null) return;
		if (p.getSex() == "male") parents[0] = p;
		else if (p.getSex() == "female") parents[1] = p;

	public void removeParent(int id)
		if (parents[0] != null && parents[0].getID() == id)
			parents[0] = null;
		else if (parents[1] != null && parents[1].getID() == id)
			parents[1] = null;

	public String checkBreeding()
		//check both parents present
		if (parents[0] == null) return "You haven't selected a bull!";
		if (parents[1] == null) return "You haven't selected a cow!";
		//check previous offspring
		if (offspring[0] != null || offspring[1] != null)
			return "You still have calves from the last round of breeding!";
		//check age difference (max 3 generations)
		if (Math.abs(parents[0].getGeneration() - parents[1].getGeneration()) > 3)
			return "The age difference between the parents is too great!";
		//check for siblings
		if (parents[0].getParents()[0] == parents[1].getParents()[0] &&
			parents[0].getParents()[1] == parents[1].getParents()[1] &&
			!(parents[0].getParents()[0] == 0 || parents[0].getParents()[1] == 0))
			return "You cannot let siblings mate!";
		return "OK";

	public void breed()
		if (checkBreeding() != "OK") return;
		int noffs = random.nextInt(2)+1;
		offspring[0] = new Cow(parents[0], parents[1]);
		if (noffs == 2) offspring[1] = new Cow(parents[0], parents[1]);

	public Cow[] getCalves()
		return offspring;

	public boolean isCalf(int id)
		if ((offspring[0] != null && offspring[0].getID() == id) ||
			(offspring[1] != null && offspring[1].getID() == id))
			return true;
		else return false;

	public void keepCalf(int id)
		int o = -1;
		if (offspring[0] != null && offspring[0].getID() == id) o = 0;
		else if (offspring[1] != null && offspring[1].getID() == id) o = 1;
		if (o >= 0) {
			offspring[o] = null;

	public void discardCalf(int id)
		int o = -1;
		if (offspring[0] != null && offspring[0].getID() == id) o = 0;
		else if (offspring[1] != null && offspring[1].getID() == id) o = 1;
		if (o >= 0) offspring[o] = null;
	public static void saveHerd(String filename)
		if (singleton == null) return;
		try {
			FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename);
			ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
		} catch (IOException i) {

	public static void loadHerd(String filename)
		try {
			FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(filename);
			ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
			singleton = (Herd) in.readObject();
		} catch (IOException i) {
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException c) {

	public static void resetHerd()
		singleton = null;