;;;; ;;;; A simple TODO app for the GNOME desktop ;;;; (mainly written to try out GTK+Lisp) ;;;; ;;;; (c) Daniel Vedder 2020 ;;;; Licensed under the terms of the MIT license ;;;; (in-package :cl-todo) (defvar *task-list* NIL) (defvar *runfile* (uiop:native-namestring "~/.todo")) (defun launch () (setf *task-list* (load-task-file)) (make-gui *task-list*) ;;TODO ) (defun load-task-file (&optional (file-name *runfile*)) "Load a list of (task) strings from the run file" (with-open-file (f file-name :if-does-not-exist nil) (when (null f) (format t "~&No task file found at ~S" file-name) (return-from load-task-file)) (do* ((line (read-line f nil nil) (read-line f nil nil)) (tasks NIL)) ((null line) tasks) (setf tasks (append tasks (list line)))))) (defun write-task-list (&optional (lst *task-list*) (filename *runfile*)) "Write the task list to file, one entry per line." (let ((f (open filename :direction :output))) (dolist (i lst) (format f "~&~S" i)) (close f))) (defun add-task! (task) "Append a task to the task list and save to file" (setf *task-list* (append *task-list* (list task))) (write-task-list)) (defun remove-task! (task) "Remove a task from the list and save to file" (setf *task-list* (remove-if #'(lambda (s) (equalp s task)) *task-list* :count 1))) ;;(write-task-list)) ;;FIXME caused a file-access error