atlantis / doc / COMMANDS
help             -  Show this list of game commands
manual           -  Show a detailed game manual
quit/exit        -  Exit the game
clear            -  Clear the screen
look [here]      -  Describe the current location
look <object>    -  Show a description of this entity
look around      -  Search for hidden items
look me          -  Describe your character
inventory        -  Same as 'look me'
goto <place>     -  Go to a neighbouring location
take <item>      -  Pick up an item lying around
drop <item>      -  Drop the item
talk [to] <npc>  -  Talk to an NPC
seek             -  Same as 'look around'
equip <weapon>   -  Equip this item as your weapon
attack <monster> -  Fight a monster

Arguments in square brackets are optional,
arguments in angular brackets denote place fillers.

If you abbreviate commands or arguments, Atlantis will
try to find a suitable match.

Some places and items may provide additional commands.