History for fractals / public / index.html
Added sliders to play around with the parameters for the Koch curve.
peter committed on 12 Oct 2019
Added a "hello world" with Elm.
peter committed on 6 Oct 2019
Reworked the structure to be more functional. ...
peter committed on 5 Oct 2019
Added hexagonal base shape. ...
peter committed on 3 Oct 2019
Added randomized square and regular triangle.
peter committed on 2 Oct 2019
Removed the server and switched to static file only.
peter committed on 2 Oct 2019
Added webpack.
peter committed on 2 Oct 2019
Added favicon and my general default styling.
peter committed on 2 Oct 2019
First version with the inward spiraling.
peter committed on 14 Jan 2019