money /
A small commandline application to help me keep track of my
monthly finances.

Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Vedder
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.

#FIXME Specifying non-existent files as budget files results in an error.
#TODO Add a function to create new budget files from scratch

import sys
import os.path
import time
import calendar
# We have to use decimal to avoid binary/decimal arithmetic issues
from decimal import *

global VERSION
VERSION = "0.2.2"

def str_join(str_list, sep=" "):
    'Syntactic sugar for str.join()'
    return sep.join(str_list)

class Budget(object):
    def __init__(self, budget_text):
        'Initialise a budget from a string representation'
        self.balance = Decimal(0)
        self.received = []
        self.spent = []
        budget_text = budget_text.strip().splitlines() = budget_text[0].strip()
        if len(budget_text) < 2: return
        for line in budget_text[1:-1]:
            line = line.split()
            if len(line) < 2:
                pass #ignore malformed lines
            elif line[0] == '+':
                self.receive(Decimal(float(line[1])), str_join(line[2:]))
            elif line[0] == '-':
                self.spend(Decimal(float(line[1])), str_join(line[2:]))
    def spend(self, amount, comment=""):
        'Enter an amount spent'
        amount = round(amount, 2)
        s = 0
        while s < len(self.spent) and self.spent[s][0] > amount:
            s = s + 1 # keep the self.spent list sorted
        self.spent = self.spent[:s] + [(amount, comment)] + self.spent[s:]
        self.balance = self.balance - amount

    def receive(self, amount, comment=""):
        'Enter an amount received'
        amount = round(amount, 2)
        r = 0
        while r < len(self.received) and self.received[r][0] > amount:
            r = r + 1 # keep the self.received list sorted
        self.received = self.received[:r] + [(amount, comment)] + self.received[r:]
        self.balance = self.balance + amount

    def string_representation(self):
        'Return a string representation of this budget (pretty-printed)'
        budget_text = []
        for r in self.received:
            budget_text.append("\t+ "+str(r[0]).rjust(13)+" "+r[1])
        for s in self.spent:
            budget_text.append("\t- "+str(s[0]).rjust(13)+" "+s[1])
        budget_text.append("\tBalance: "+str(self.balance).rjust(6))
        return str_join(budget_text, "\n")

def load(budget_file_name):
    Load a specified budget file
    Returns a list of the budgets in this file
    budget_file = open(budget_file_name)
    budget_text = budget_file.readlines()
    budgets = []
    if not budget_text:
        raise Exception("Empty budget file "+budget_file_name)
    next_budget_text = ""
    for line in budget_text:
        line = line.strip()
        if line != '':
            next_budget_text = next_budget_text + "\n" + line
        elif line == "" and next_budget_text != "":
            next_budget_text = ""
            next_budget_text = ""
    if budget_text[-1].strip() != "":
    return budgets

def save(budget_list, file_name):
    'Save a list of budgets to file'
    budget_file = open(file_name, 'w')
    budget_text = ""
    for b in budget_list:
        budget_text = budget_text+b.string_representation()+"\n\n"

def find_budget(month, budget_list):
    Check if the given month's budget is in the budget list, else create it.
    Returns the desired budget and True if it was newly created or False if not.
    for b in budget_list:
        if == month:
            return b, False
    new_budget = Budget(month)
    monthly_budget = budget_list[0]
    if monthly_budget.balance > 0:
        new_budget.receive(monthly_budget.balance, "Monthly budget")
    else: new_budget.spend(-monthly_budget.balance, "Monthly budget")
    return new_budget, True

def balance(budget):
    balance = budget.balance
    print(str(" balance: ").ljust(24)+str(balance))

def convert_amount(amount):
    #FIXME Decimal() does something weird with dollar signs in a string...
        dec_amount = Decimal(amount)
    except InvalidOperation:
        print("Error: invalid number "+str(amount))
    return dec_amount
def spent(budget, options):
    amount = convert_amount(options[0])
    comment = str_join(options[1:])
    budget.spend(amount, comment)
    return budget

def received(budget, options):
    amount = convert_amount(options[0])
    comment = str_join(options[1:])
    budget.receive(amount, comment)
    return budget

def find_entries(budget, search_terms):
    Search the budget for entries matching the search term(s).
    Prints a new budget containing only those entries.
    search = str_join(search_terms).lower()
    search_budget = Budget("Entries matching '"+search+"':")
    for s in budget.spent:
        if search in s[1].lower():
            search_budget.spend(s[0], s[1])
    for r in budget.received:
        if search in r[1].lower():
            search_budget.receive(s[0], s[1])

def show_history(budgets, current_budget_name):
    Print out the end-of-month balances of all budgets to date.
    for b in budgets:
        if != current_budget_name and != "Monthly budget":

def print_version():
    global VERSION
    print("money "+VERSION)
    print("Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Vedder")
    print("Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3")

def print_help():
    help_text = """
Usage: money [options] <command> [parameters]
\t--version -v\tPrint the version number.
\t--help -h\tPrint this help text.
\t--file <file>\tSpecify a budget file other than ~/.money
\t--month -m <month>\tSpecify another month instead of the current one
\t--monthly\tShorthand for '--month "Monthly budget"'
\tbalance\t\tPrint the current month's balance
\treport\t\tPrint all transactions this month
\thistory\t\tPrint a history of previous end-of-month balances
\tfind <string>\tDisplay all budget entries containing this string
\tspent <amount> [comment]\tLog a spending
\treceived <amount> [comment]\tLog an amount received
\nRead the source!"""

def main():
    Process commandline arguments
    budget_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.money")
    current_budget = None
    month = str_join([calendar.month_name[time.localtime().tm_mon],
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        sys.argv.append('balance') #DWIM
    a = 1
    while a < len(sys.argv):
        arg = sys.argv[a]
        if arg == '--monthly': month = "Monthly budget"
        elif arg == '-m' or arg == '--month':
            a = a + 1
            if len(sys.argv[a].split()) < 2:
                # Try to prevent the user from shooting himself in the foot
                raise Exception("Budget name too short! Did you forget to add the year?")
            month = sys.argv[a]
        elif arg == '--file':
            a = a + 1
            budget_file = sys.argv[a]
        elif arg == '-v' or arg == '--version':
        elif arg == '-h' or arg == '--help':
        elif arg in ('balance', 'report', 'spent',
                     'received', 'find', 'history'):
            budgets = load(budget_file)
            if month == "Monthly budget": current_budget = budgets[0]
                current_budget, is_new = find_budget(month, budgets)
                if is_new: budgets.append(current_budget)
            if arg == 'report':
            elif arg == 'spent':
                current_budget = spent(current_budget, sys.argv[a+1:])
            elif arg == 'received':
                current_budget = received(current_budget, sys.argv[a+1:])
            elif arg == 'find':
                find_entries(current_budget, sys.argv[a+1:])
            elif arg == 'history':
            if arg != 'report': balance(current_budget)
            save(budgets, budget_file)
            print("Bad syntax! To check up on syntax, use 'money --help'")
        a = a + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':